f09f2589-b022-4395-ac50-35228b0aec47 CIVIL_LIABILITY DOMESTIC CAR

SIT_Automobile civil-liability insurance

Compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners is a type of compulsory insurance prescribed by the State to protect unfortunate third parties from damage to people and property, and at the same time help vehicle owners. or the driver reduces the financial burden of having to compensate for damages caused by a traffic accident.

[Let Insurance

HD(http://https://hdimedia.hdinsurance.com.vn/f/9ceec40d6744f0aac48798c051eee69d.pdf)]give you more peace of mind on every journey.
something edit 11111

Đối tượng tham gia bảo hiểm: Male/Female from 20-100
Thời hạn bảo hiểm:
Hình thức hợp đồng: Electronic of certificate en
Quy tắc, điều khoản bảo hiểm:

SIT_Automobile civil-liability insurance

Compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners is a type of compulsory insurance prescribed by the State to protect unfortunate third parties from damage to people and property, and at the same time help vehicle owners. or the driver reduces the financial burden of having to compensate for damages caused by a traffic accident.

[Let Insurance

HD(http://https://hdimedia.hdinsurance.com.vn/f/9ceec40d6744f0aac48798c051eee69d.pdf)]give you more peace of mind on every journey.
something edit 11111

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